What happened to the Twelve Disciples after the Resurrection of Jesus by Robert C Walton

What happened to the Twelve Disciples after the Resurrection of Jesus by Robert C Walton 1. Simon Peter a. Biblical Information           Preached sermon on Day of Pentecost Healed lame man at gate of temple Withstood persecution of Sanhedrin Rebuked Ananias and Sapphira and Simon Magus Raised Dorcas from the dead Preached gospel to Cornelius Miraculously delivered … Continue reading What happened to the Twelve Disciples after the Resurrection of Jesus by Robert C Walton

What are the Circumstantial Evidence FOR the Resurrection by Lee Strobel?

What are the Circumstantial Evidence FOR the Resurrection by Lee Strobel? Lee Strobel was the former legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and he used his journalistic skill to investigate the evidence for Jesus. He said that he “had been living a profane, drunken, self-absorbed and immoral lifestyle” until “his heart had shrunk to the point where it … Continue reading What are the Circumstantial Evidence FOR the Resurrection by Lee Strobel?

Was Jesus’ resurrection a hoax and His death a sham by Lee Strobel?

Was Jesus’ resurrection a hoax and His death a sham by Lee Strobel?     The passages below are taken from Lee Strobel’s book, “The case for Christ,” which was published in 1998. He was the former legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and he used his journalistic skill to investigate the evidence for Jesus. He said that he “had … Continue reading Was Jesus’ resurrection a hoax and His death a sham by Lee Strobel?

Was Jesus seen alive after His death on the cross by Lee Strobel?

Was Jesus seen alive after His death on the cross by Lee Strobel?     The passages below are taken from Lee Strobel’s book, “The case for Christ,” which was published in 1998. He was the former legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and he used his journalistic skill to investigate the evidence for Jesus. He said that he “had … Continue reading Was Jesus seen alive after His death on the cross by Lee Strobel?

The Evidence for the Resurrection by Sir Norman Anderson

The Evidence for the Resurrection by Sir Norman Anderson      The passages below are taken from Sir Norman Anderson’s [OBE, QC, LLD, DD, FBA formerly the Professor of Oriental Laws and Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the University of London] booklet “The evidence for the resurrection” published in 1950 by Inter-Varsity Press.      EASTER is not primarily … Continue reading The Evidence for the Resurrection by Sir Norman Anderson

The Doctrine of the Literal Physical Resurrection by Martyn Lloyd Jones

The Doctrine of the Literal Physical Resurrection by Martyn Lloyd Jones All the passages below are taken from Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ book “The Assurance of our Salvation.” The sermons were preached at Westminister Chapel, London, from 1952 to 1953. It was originally published in four volumes: Seed in Eternity, Safe in the World, Sanctified through the Truth, and … Continue reading The Doctrine of the Literal Physical Resurrection by Martyn Lloyd Jones

Shroud of Turin from YouTube

Shroud of Turin from YouTube https://www.shroud.com/ Shroud Of Turin: Autopsy Report 2019 Video https://youtu.be/-VbbDMGDe50 All New Evidence Of The Shroud Of Turin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9aute3thHA Shroud of Turin: The Face of Jesus (Gary Habermas & Bob Rucker) Nuclear Engineer, Bob Rucker, concluded that the shroud is a “photographic” image of the resurrection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_uQTXYMUqI Seeking Solutions to the Mysteries … Continue reading Shroud of Turin from YouTube

No Resurrection No Christianity by John Young with David Wilkinson

No Resurrection No Christianity by John Young with David Wilkinson The passages below are taken from John Young with David Wilkinson’s book “The Case Against Christ” first published in 1986. This edition is 2006 by Hodder & Stoughton. There exists such overwhelming evidence, positive and negative, factual and circumstantial, that no intelligent jury in the world could … Continue reading No Resurrection No Christianity by John Young with David Wilkinson

Evidence FOR the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Lee Strobel

Evidence FOR the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Lee Strobel All the passages below are taken from Lee Strobel’s book, “God’s Outrageous Claims,” which was published in 1997 by Zondervan.          www.leestrobel.com It was a bright and beautiful August day in 1990 when Tobin McAuley, his best friend, and their girlfriends rented a catamaran to go sailing … Continue reading Evidence FOR the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Lee Strobel

Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead by Ravi Zacharias?

Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead by Ravi Zacharias? The passages below are taken from Ravi Zacharias’ book, “Can Man Live Without God,” published in 1994. There really are two questions that have relevance on this matter of Jesus’ resurrection. The first is, “Did Jesus, indeed, rise from the dead?” The second is the equally … Continue reading Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead by Ravi Zacharias?

Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus

Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus          Christians believe that Jesus Christ:  1.    is fully divine and fully human 2.    is resurrected from the dead (1 Cor 15:12-14 NKJV) Being fully divine, Jesus knew the excruciating suffering and pain He had to go through with the crucifixion as a human being. He prayed to His Father so hard … Continue reading Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus